One Page Websites: Are They Worth It?

By Purplebox Digital

When it comes to websites, there are many different styles and layouts you can choose from. For some businesses, this is great as it allows them to break the mould and differentiate themselves from competitors, whereas for others, it can be a nightmare deciding which website layout to pick.

From multi-page websites to simple one page websites, there is a lot to choose from out there.

So, which do you pick?

In the old days, multi-page websites were really the only type of website out there. Every topic had its own page and the vast majority of websites looked the same. Since the internet has evolved, the one page website has started to become super popular, and many people are reaping the benefits.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of one page websites and why businesses love them.

Benefits of One Page Websites

Unlike regular multi-page websites, one page websites allow you to do various things you can’t achieve with a multi-page site. From giving the visitor a clear story path to increasing your conversion rate, here are the top benefits.

Help Telling a Story

one page story

Due to their linear style from A to B, one page websites are great at telling stories to visitors. When a visitor first lands on a one page website they always start at the top, where the story starts. Once they’ve finished reading the top section at the top of the page, it’s only natural for them to scroll down and read more.

This sets out a path for the visitor with a clear beginning, middle and end. This allows you as a business to shape the story however you want. By having one page with a story, you have the visitors complete undivided attention. This means they are much more likely to read your story and ultimately convert.

Which brings us nicely on to our next point, conversion rates.

High Conversion Rate

conversion rate

When it comes to conversions, one page websites are often the highest performing layout. This is probably since it forces visitors to read your sales story and funnel just how you want them to. No jumping ahead or missing bits of information. Sure, multi-page websites can contain individual sales pages, but usually the information is spread out over several pages.

One page websites, on the other hand, give the user everything they need to make a decision on one page. Videos, testimonials, reviews, images, charts, contact forms and call to actions call all be placed on the same page.

The guys over at SignalVNoise did an excellent case study on one of their websites. In this study, they turned one of their multi-pages websites into a one page sales letter website. Compared to their original page they increased the size considerably and included everything the visitor would need to convert.

The results? A spectacular increase in conversions of 37.5%! This goes to show how powerful a one page website can be with the right information.

Everything Is in One Place

Another good benefit of one page websites is the fact that everything the visitor needs is in the right place. Obviously, this takes great planning to make sure the user has everything they need, and it can vary for different businesses.

Sometimes, users will want to read lots of testimonials before they buy a product or service. Others will want to watch videos and look at pictures demonstrating it instead. Whatever a visitor wants to see, you can be a one page layout has everything covered. As we mentioned earlier, by keeping everything on one page, you also keep the visitors’ attention on it.

By having all the reviews, videos, pictures and product information on one page, there is less chance a visitor is likely to leave. This means by the time they’ve scrolled through everything and reached the bottom, they are ready to convert.

Great for Mobile Users

mobile friendly

As you may know by now, mobile users are becoming increasingly more important. Mobile traffic is continuously increasing year on year, which means your website needs to be mobile compatible.

One page websites give mobile users the perfect experience. Since there usually aren’t any menu buttons to click, users can simply scroll down the page to find everything they need. Most mobile users will already be accustomed to the “thumb scroll” and it makes their visit a lot more pleasant.

In addition to this, having just one page to load can also be beneficial. When out and about, internet service and signal can vary. Compared to a desktop computer the chances are websites will take longer to load on mobile. The good news is with a one page website the user only has to wait for it to load once. If it were a multi-page site, then the user would have to wait everything they clicked on a new page. Although it’s not your fault they have bad signal or service, it can still cause visitors to leave if they spend too much time waiting.

Problems of One Page Websites

Although one page websites can dramatically increase your conversion rates and user experience, there are some setbacks.

Struggles With SEO

one page seo

The first major problem with one page websites is the fact that it can be difficult to rank to rank for more than one keyword. As a rule of thumb, most web pages will target one keyword per web page. Although it is possible to target more than one keyword, it can become increasingly difficult to rank for different keywords.

So, if you’re planning on ranking for one than one keyword online, it can be tough. There really is no way around it apart from making a new webpage.

Not for Bloggers

no blog

Blogging is an important part of many websites as it allows them to target keywords and bring in traffic. Blogging on a one page website is really not possible unless you make a new section. Imagine having one page with 50 blog posts on it, how long would it be? There’s a good chance most of your visitors would see it and just leave straight away.

If you really want a blog, then, unfortunately, you’ll have to make new section for it.


As you can see, there are plenty of benefits of one page websites. From an increase in conversions to a better user experience, one page websites can do wonders for your business. Although there are some downsides to one page websites, these can be fixed by introducing a blog on a new section. Think of it as a hybrid design. You have the one page website that is basically your sales funnel and then you have your blog. The blog’s job is to target individual keywords by making new pages optimised for that particular keyword.

Once you bring in traffic from these blog posts, they can then be redirected back to your homepage. The users can then read through your sales funnel, and you can reap the benefits of an increased conversion rate.

If you need help designing a slick and functional one page website, then be sure to contact us. Here at Purplebox Digital, we love one page websites and have lots of experience creating them. See how we can help boost your conversions and sales today.

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